The team

Producer — Rachel Souhami

A photograph of Rachel Souhami. We can see her head and shoulders. She has shoulder-length brown hair, is wearing a green t-shirt and is standing in front of a red background.

Rachel Souhami is a museums consultant and academic, specialising in exhibition production. She has over 20 years’ experience advising organisations on projects from master-planning museums and commissioning new galleries to one-case displays. Her academic work explores the dual nature of exhibitions as cultural product and cultural producer. Rachel has produced Museums Showoff since its third ever show in September 2012, and has been responsible for all aspects of its development and operation. She has developed lots of skills as producer of Museums Showoff, including learning HTML and CSS to build this website! This year Rachel’s also learning cabinet making and roller blading, but not at the same time. You can contact Rachel on Twitter.

Compère — Naomi Paxton

A photograph of Naomi Paxton. We can she her head and shoulders. She has short white-blonde hair, blue eyes, and is wearing red lipstick. She's wearing a black shirt and the background is dark, giving a dramatic image.

Naomi Paxton has a portfolio career as a researcher, writer, public engager, curator, performer, magician, and award-winning comedian. An expert on suffrage theatre, Naomi is Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, Associate Fellow at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, and an Associate Artist of feminist production hub Scary Little Girls. She is also learning to play the spoons. You can find Naomi on Twitter and Instagram.

Technician — Ian Bowkett

A photograph of Ian Bowkett. We can see his head and shoulders. He has short light-brown hair, a short beard and blue eyes. He is wearing a black shirt and is standing against a pale blue background.

Ian Bowkett is a comedy writer/performer and proud behind-the-scenes crew-person of Museums Showoff, amongst other London events of similar nerdiness. His current favourite museums are Athens’ National Archeological Museum and Ottawa’s Canadian Museum of History.